Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Control Sugar in Body by following some tips

Control Sugar in Body by following some tips

Did you ever wonder why you are unable to adopt any healthy diet plan or weight loss program? And this is what dragging you towards sugar Addiction. But  In Addition it will also help to achieve weight loss goals.
imagesWe are getting most amount of sugar from the Soft Drinks, that’s why Soft Drinks, Sweet Water, Coffee, Energy Drinks, Fruit Drinkare Enemy for us.  In fact, Apple Flavour apple juice is made from combination of 100% sweetener & concentrated fructose.  Also, due to this drinks more calories and sugar are entering in you silently. Any Cold Drink Beverage is containing about 150 Calories. In Movie hall or inRestaurant beverages containing 300 to 500 calories.
Once you addicted by this Drinks then it’s not easy to stay away from it. As well as it will be challenge for you to leave it. So, instead of leaving it instantly you have to reduce it slowly from your regular diet. First of all prepare list of the Beverages which contain large amounts of sugar and try to avoid it.
Junk FoodDo you like fast food that much so, whenever you go any restaurant you are searching for fast food in the menu?  So, it is not correct. Because this kind of food contains Sugar & salt as well as Carbohydrates in oil forms which boost up the sugar level. This is very harmful for us. Cakes, Cookies, Candy, Ice Cream, Chips, popcorn etc., Are in same category.
Same Like Sugar Contain Beverages it will be difficult to leave junk Food also. Because often you eat outside so, you can’t avoid this foods. But gradually you can remove it from your diet chart. Make list of your junk food which contain more sugar and carbohydrates and try to stay away. Instead of this try to eat Fresh Fruits it will give you nutrition and also it will defend from Sugar.
download (2)Although the breakfast of bread, pasta, etc. are used to eating, but due to the amount of carbohydrates the amount of sugar increases in the body. Therefore first find another option for this kind of breakfast. Instead of this start to eating Salads, Fresh Fruits, Eggs, it would reduce amount of carbohydrates. Also note that for Lunch and Dinner.
Usage of Sauces, Ketchup & Spices in order to make your food more delicious. But it works against you and your weight loss program. . A small amount of some spices in your diet altogether, you receive the amount of sugar. The canned low fat diet food also contained sugar. Also in market “Sugar-Free” Products will increase Metabolizing Carbohydrates.
It is not just Temporary diet plan. Once you control the Sugar and Carbohydrates from your daily food so, you should have to follow the same diet plan for life time.  In your life by following the above described steps you can always sustain healthy cuisine.
Remember, each step takes time. Please be patient. Be harsh on yourselves and follow the routine. Your key objective is to achieve the goal. By doing this you get to see the change in you. This process will save energy as well as diabetes and weight will not grow.

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