Tuesday, 13 January 2015


UP Instructor Recruitment 2015 : 11000 Anudeshak Bharti Post 

If you are interested in working at instructor post for the Primary Education Board of U.P, then UP Instructor Recruitment 2015 is for you only. UPPEB is currently hiring for the same position in contractual basis and has taken out around 11,000 hiring in all.

The responsibility of the person selected for these posts will include handling students from primary level and junior high school level. You can inspect the detailed advertisement for UP Instructor Recruitment 2015, either in the legitimated website of the board or in any local newspaper.
UP Instructor Recruitment 2015 : 11000 Anudeshak Bharti Post
Please go through the complete article to get other relevant information about the hiring procedure.
UP Instructor Recruitment 2015 dates for this post:
Onset of Online Registration:8 Jan 2015
End of Online Registration:30 Jan 2015
Last date of Fee Payment:31 Jan 2015
Final Date to finish Online Application:2 Feb 2015
Release of Merit List:2 March 2015
Date for Counseling:10 Mar, 11 Mar, and 12 Mar 2015

UP Instructor Recruitment 2015 Check if you are Eligible:
General eligibility is that appellant must be graduate, however, education criteria varies in accordance with the post; he is going to apply for.
Name of PostEligibility Requirement
Computer Trainer:BCA or B. Sc. in Computer Science; or having DOAECC level A certificate
Physical Ed. Trainer:Graduate in Physical Education
Art Mentor:BA or Graduate in Arts
Home Craft Instructor:Graduate in Home Science
Agricultural Instructor:B. Sc.- AG
Horticulture & Food Preservative:B. Sc.- AG with added diploma in food preservation

How you can apply for UP Instructor Recruitment 2015  post:
Now, when you have checked that you are eligible for the above given vacancy and are looking for the method to apply for it, then follow all the steps that are given below with snapshot:
  1. Go to legitimate website of the primary shikshan board.
  2. Analyze for ‘UP Instructor Recruitment 2015’ and click on it.
  3. You will redirect to registration page, where you will find the applicable steps.
  4. Perform the step- wise process written on the website and complete your registration.
  5. In first step, you will have to register.
  6. While registration; fill all the relevant credentials like, your name, DOB, address etc. and submit it.
  7. After registration for UP Instructor Recruitment 2015, make payment via electronic challan process through State Bank of India at branch nearer to your location.
  8. After when you have filled the demanded application fee, you need to go for step four and click on it.
  9. Enter your REG NUMBER and other credentials and complete your form.
  10. Then, take its hard copy and save it with you.
Hence, by this way; you can apply for the above detailed post. If you have any other questioning regarding the same, then, you can both pay visit to our website or to the official and gratify yourself with obtaining relevant answers.


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